Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Intentions

So, a little over a week ago, I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts, "The Talking Dead Podcast." The guys announced a writing contest for during the hiatus of the Walking Dead show on AMC. Some people get writer's block. I seem to get writer's iron curtain. Well, here's the deal. I got an idea... I'm going to write a 1000 word (or so) story every week of this contest. I'll check to make sure, but I may be limited as to how many times I can enter.

Here's where you come in, dear readers. (Or reader. c.c) As I write my short stories, I want your feedback.... What needs polishing, hacking, redressing, or the boot! Also, depending on how the contest works (as far as number of entries), I may request your voice on which stories I should submit to the contest.

Well, there you are, and here we are, and we are all together. Goo goo gachoo.

Now to upload the first in a series I'll call "Six Degrees of Zombification." ...I really hope that title isn't taken already, cause it rocks. :D

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